Did Floyd Mayweather actually knock out Logan Paul? Video shows wobbly Paul after punch lands

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The Floyd Mayweather vs. Logan Paul fight was anything but a knockout — even if one may have happened.

While Mayweather vs. Paul was billed and sold as an exhibition bought between one of the greatest ever and an internet celebrity, the fight itself seemed a bit more scripted than a WWE match. (Which Mayweather would know a thing or two about.)

During the fight, though, Mayweather may have gone off script: Mayweather landed a flush counter-punch, hobbling and dazing Paul. 

MORE: No one was happy with Mayweather vs. Paul

Mayweather, nailing Paul with a right hand on the ear, causes Paul to stumble into Mayweather, who seems to hold him up. Mayweather presumably wanted to help him across the finish line. No winner was declared in the fight, though Mayweather landed more punches and out-boxed Paul in the bout.

While exhibition bouts are nothing new in boxing — Muhammad Ali fought pro wrestling legend Antonio Inoki in an exhibition fight in the '70s, after all — the blatant cash-grab nature of these fights isn't exactly becoming of the sport.

In the end, Mayweather and Paul knew exactly what they were doing: Playing fans for suckers in an eight-round fight that amounted to nothing more than a massive payday for both combatants.

After all, "Money" said as much after the fight:

"When it comes to legalized bank robbing, I'm the best," Mayweather said.

Well, no lies detected there.
