How Australia can beat England and overturn horror record

Len Ikitau makes a break against Scotland

Well, Australia v Scotland didn’t go quite to plan, the Scots running away with a 15-13 defeat over the Wallabies. 

This was not the start of the Spring tour that Dave Rennie and the Australian team were hoping for, but there is little time to lick their wounds, a quick turn around seeing them up against England this weekend. 

England have seemingly always had the edge over the Wallabies, especially when playing at home in Twickenham, but the Aussies are hoping they can bounce back from their defeat with a strong game against the Poms. 

Sporting News sat down with former Wallabies coach Michael Cheika to find out what went wrong against Scotland, and what needs to change to have a chance in their next match. 

The Wallabies struggles against Scotland

“I thought [Australia v Scotland] was always going to be a tricky one, mainly because, I know this maybe doesn’t resonate with a lot of people, but just the fact that it was the first time that a lot of these players or this team has really had to come over and experience the away game atmosphere,” Cheika said. 

“There have been a few games in New Zealand over the last couple of years, but this is the first time they’ve really had that long travel... and that pressure cooker environment.

“Those little turning points in a game that was so tight, I think just the atmosphere, the full house there, where the majority of people there are against Australia, it’s the first time, it's a good experience for them too to get in that pressure cooker of the European away crowd.

“I feel like that did stilt them a little bit in relation to getting their flow, because it puts pressure on everyone, the referee, the players, the lot playing away from home, but yeah they’ll be disappointed that they didn’t get a bit more of the flow that they’ve had in previous weeks together on that game.”

The touring mindset of national teams 

“Look, I think that there’s always these, especially when you tour, you look at the fixtures, and for Australia there’ll always be that, and it’s obviously an attitude that we need to improve, I think for South Africa sometimes it could be us before they play New Zealand, you know we’ve got a great record against South africa, here in Australia, because they’re coming and maybe they’re looking at that New Zealand fixture,” Cheika said. 

“Often when we tour over here, Australia is looking at that England fixture which is pretty regular on that touring calendar.

“I'm not saying that that was a reason for not winning on the weekend, but sometimes that happens, and I think that's where the best teams can override all of that, that prediction, of ‘we should do this,’ or ‘this is what should happen in this game,’ or going with the genuine consensus as opposed to just starting everything from scratch and building your performances accordingly.

“Whether [Australia are under-valuing Scotland], I don’t think so consciously, like I said in the context of the tour, maybe that game against England is probably marked up a little higher perhaps, it shouldn’t be but that’s the way it can happen.”

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The keys to victory against England 

“I think that one of the key things against England is to try to get that scoreboard pressure happening early, get points, get in front,” Cheika said. 

“If I recall correctly, I think nearly in all games where we did lose [against England], we went behind on the score early, even if it's just a penalty goal or a couple of penalty goals here or there.

“I really think that Coach Rennie will be focusing on getting the fast start, they need some points early on to try and apply some scoreboard pressure in front of the home crowd.

“I really think [the scrum is] going to be a critical part of the game, spiritually almost, if you go back to the 2015 World Cup game there… England were very confident they were going to take the Australian scrum hard in that game, and we were able to really get a lot of pay that ‘they played really, really well, the Australian scrum,’ and spiritually it turned the game around when you can take away the perceived strength of the opposition and turn it into your strength.

“Like coach Rennie said, they were happy with the [defence], that would’ve been important especially with some of the bigger ball carriers.

“England bring a lot of power in the tight exchanges through their big forwards, they carry the ball hard, they’ve got momentum when they’re carrying the ball... the England players you'll see they are coming onto the ball strong, trying to dent you on the inside section, and then they’ve got some big ball carriers on the outside as well that can hurt you on different phases.”

The significance of playing against England

“Every win is a good win at test level, we were just talking about the Scotland game, and every time you come out in the Australian jersey and you win, no matter where the opposition team is ranked or how they sit traditionally in your context, it’s a valuable thing to savour,” Cheika said. 

“Some players always have favourites, the hostile reception that we receive at Twickenham steps it up so that everything you get there you’ve got to earn.

“We haven't had a lot of luck there over the years, sometimes due to bad performance, sometimes a bit of bad luck, but we had a nice win there in the World cup and then Twickenham became our home for the next four or five games after that.

“There will be players with a lot of fond memories there and a lot of tough memories there, a great place to play footy .”
