Baseball strikes and lockouts: A history of MLB work stoppages

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This has been an odd offseason, no doubt. 

Most of the premier free agents are still on the market. Some aren't even close to finding a new team, at least not at the money they expected a couple of months ago. Players aren't happy about this development, of course, and when a prominent agent used the word "boycott" in a statement Friday, things jumped up a notch or 10.

The MLB Players' Association quickly refuted the boycott notion, but that doesn't mean the players are pleased with how this offseason has played out. The thought of a work stoppage, of any sort, isn't even remotely appealing. Baseball hasn't seen anything of that variety since the 1995 season. 

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We thought we'd take a quick look back at the history of baseball's work stoppages.

First, a quick note or two: The MLBPA was founded in 1954, but the owners still had every single bit of the power for at least the first decade or so of the MLBPA's existence. In 1966, though, the players hired Marvin Miller, a powerful figure in the United Steel Workers Union, to lead their drive to even the playing field.

A history of MLB strikes and lockouts

1972 strike

What happened: For the first time in baseball history, the players went on strike. The primary point of contention was the pension fund; players wanted inflation increases, and owners saw it as a chance to break the spirit of a union that was just starting to understand the potential of a powerful — and truly unified — union. Of the 48 player reps (two per team), 47 voted to strike, and one rep abstained. The owners conceded after 13 days, with the realization that they were losing more money with the lost attendance than they would have to pay to meet the MLBPA's pension demands. 

The games lost during the strike — 86, to be exact — were never replayed, which meant teams didn't play an even number of games. For three division races, that didn't matter. The Reds, Pirates and A's claimed crowns by comfortable margins. But in the AL East, the Tigers won the playoff spot with an 86-70 record, a half-game ahead of the Red Sox, who finished 85-70. Can you imagine the Twitter outcry? 

1973 lockout

What happened: The concept of salary arbitration was a sticky one. The owners realized the strength of the players' resolve the previous season, and took steps to avoid losing regular-season contests (and the money from those games). They locked the players out of spring training starting in early February, and the players stayed locked out until the owners and the MLBPA agreed on a three-year CBA, clearly defining the salary arbitration process with a neutral arbitrator deciding between the player's salary request and the owner's offer. Spring training games resumed in late February, and no regular-season games were ever in real danger of being missed. 

1976 lockout

What happened: The short version: Marvin Miller found a weakness in MLB's reserve clause, and in December 1975 an independent arbitrator ruled in favor of Miller and against the owners. With the ruling, pitchers Andy Messersmith and Dave McNally suddenly became free agents. Owners, obviously, didn't like this cataclysmic development, and they locked players out of spring training the first couple of weeks of March. No regular-season games were missed. 

1980 strike

What happened: The early days of free agency were, to say the least, contentious. Players went on strike late in spring training, canceling the final eight days, and promised to strike again if a new agreement — free agency was far from the only issue — wasn't reached by May 23. The sides came to terms on all issues except free-agent compensation, and that was enough to avoid a strike in 1980. The next year, though, was a different story.

1981 strike

What happened: This was ugly. Owners were prepared to dig in, and players were not remotely ready to back down after their gains in recent years. When an agreement on free-agent compensation (not money, but what was given to teams who lost free agents) couldn't be reached, the owners implemented a plan that called for any team who signed a free agent to relinquish a roster player and a draft pick in return

The MLBPA went on strike after games on June 11 and games didn't resume until Aug.10. For the only time in MLB history, playoff teams were decided by first-half and second-half division champions. And like in 1972, teams didn't play an even number of games. The result was messy. Really, really messy.

Think about this: The Reds and Cardinals finished with the two best overall winning percentages in the National League (.611 and .578, respectively), but neither of those teams actually made the playoffs. Cincinnati and St. Louis both finished second in their division in both the first half AND the second half, and because overall record meant nothing in 1981, they were out in the cold. Cardinals fans, especially, had a right to be steamed. In the second half, the Expos played one more game than the Cardinals and finished 30-23; St. Louis was 29-23 and missed out by a half-game.

MORE: Spring training reporting dates for all 30 teams

1985 strike

What happened: Admit it, you forgot about this one. This was an in-season strike (Aug. 6-7), but the games missed were actually made up at the end of the season, which avoided the messiness of 1972's and 1981's standings. This one was about the pension fund (after the big TV deal MLB signed in 1983) and a salary arbitration cap. Though this strike didn't really affect the 1985 season, the owners' unhappiness with the resolution (and commish Peter Ueberroth) led to the ugliness of collusion over the next couple of years

1990 lockout

What happened: Try not to be too shocked: This dispute was about free agency and arbitration. Revenue sharing was involved, and players' minimum salaries rose to $100,000 for the first time. This lockout scuttled spring training and pushed opening day back a week, but the full 162-game season was played. 

1994-95 strike

What happened: This one still makes baseball fans sick to their stomachs. The 1994 season ended on Aug. 11 and never restarted. For the first time in American sports history, an entire postseason was canceled because of a labor dispute. No World Series meant some fans never returned to the sport. Baseball didn't start up again until April 25, 1995, nearly a month after the regular season would typically start. Instead of 162 games, teams had a 144-game schedule. Yeah, it was ugly. The only good thing about this strike is that we haven't seen another work stoppage since it finally ended. 

2021 lockout

What happened: The tension between players and owners is arguably worse than it has ever been. A bevy of issues, including arbitration rules and service-time manipulation, has made this round of CBA negotiations contentious. The agreement expired at 11:59 p.m. Dec. 1, and the owners voted unanimously to lock out the players. Given the timing — and that there’s no singular line-in-the-sand issue like the salary cap rift from 1994 — it‘s unlikely that the 2022 season will be significantly affected, if affected at all, but it looks to be a long winter for baseball fans.
