The worst crashes in Tour de France history

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# Crash

The Tour de France means the blur of the peloton, high mountain passes, stunning French countryside, mad sprints and, unfortunately, plenty of crashes. 

You never know where or when they're going to come, but one this is guaranteed - there will be crashes at this year's edition of the race. 

Sometimes they occur in the manic final metres of a bunch sprint. 

Other times they happen going hell for leather down a mountainside. 

MORE: Spectator with sign causes huge crash | What do the Tour de France jerseys mean?

Sometimes it's the rider's fault. Once, a policeman stepped in front of the pack to take a photo. Another couple of times a dog has run onto the course. 

In 2021, a clueless spectator clipped Tony Martin's handlebars with her cardboard sign and caused a pile-up. 

Crashes have cruelled plenty of overall Tour ambitions, including Australia's Cadel Evans in 2010. Sadly, the consequences have been far more dire for some. 

Here's a quick look back at some of the scarier, outrageous and crazy crashes we've seen at the Tour. 

Johnny Hoogerland side-swiped by car

This is one of most mind-numbing pieces of driving you'll ever see on the Tour. 

During a breakaway in the 2011 TdF, Dutchman Johnny Hoogerland was side-swiped by an official car. Hoogerland then crashed into Juan Antonio Flecha, and the Spaniard landed on a barbed wired fence. Ridiculous. 

Opening stage marred by two crashes in 2021 

The 2021 Tour de France didn't get off to a great start for many after two big crashes in the final 50km. 

The first came when a woman clipped Tony Martin's handlebars with her homemade sign with 45km to ride. Watch it below, and

Touch of wheels and a massive crash. Hope the guy standing with his bike on the side of the road is okay. Also quick thinking from that lady with the kid. #TourDeFrance #sbstdf

— Brendan Bradford (@1bbradfo) June 26, 2021 " target="_blank">read more about it here. 

The second crash was even scarier, taking place just a few kilometres before the finish line. 


Peter Sagan DQd after Mark Cavendish crash - 2017

Cycling's biggest superstar, Peter Sagan, was controversially kicked off the 2017 Tour.

Race directors said the three-time World Champion put other riders in danger and caused Cavendish to crash. Injury forced Cavendish to leave the Tour, which meant Aussie Michael Matthews won the green jersey. 

Mark Cavendish crashes at Harrogate in 2014

Cavendish had high hopes for a stage win when the Tour finished in his home country early on in 2014. 

But a brush with Australian Simon Gerrans saw the Manx Missile crash out with a broken shoulder. Cavendish took full responsibility for the fall and was forced out of the race. 

Check out the insane roadside footage here. 

Richie Porte's horrific crash - 2017

Australia's general classification hope, Richie Porte had a horrendous crash at the 2017 Tour de France. In one of the key stages in the Pyrenees, Porte fell on a tricky descent and fractured his pelvis and collarbone. 

The fall also took out Dan Martin.

Richie Porte hits cameraman on Mont Ventoux - 2016

Porte has had his fair share of crashes over the last couple of years, but this one is the strangest. On the windswept stage 12 finish up Mont Ventoux, Porte ran up the back of a television motorcylce and hit the pavement. 

Leader Chris Froome was also impacted by the crash and was forced to run up the mountain for a few hundred meters. 

Guiseppi Guerini crashes into cameraman on Alpe d'Huez

Put this one straight in the bizarre category. Italian climber Guiseppi Guerini was soloing away on Alpe d'Huez when a bloke with a camera stepped in his path and bought him down. 

Thankfully, he wasn't going too fast, and managed to get back up and win the stage. 

Check it out below. Honestly, what was old mate thinking? 

Armentieres pile-up

This one also involves someone trying to get a photo, but this time the results are more shocking. 

In the opening road stage of the 1994 Tour, a police officer stupidly decided to step into the path of the sprinting peloton to take a photo. Belgian cyclist Willfried Nelissen charged straight into the guy, but French cyclist Laurent Jalabert suffered horrific facial injuries. 

Despite winning the green jersey the next year, Jalabert says he was never the same sprinter after the crash. He later went on to claim two polka dot jerseys as the Tour's best climber. 

Watch the Armentieres crash here. 

Sandy Casar taken out by a dog

From photogs to stray dogs...

French rider Sandy Casar was sent sliding across the tarmac when a dog walked into his path in 2007. Fun fact: Casar got up and won the stage in a sprint. 


Djamolodine Abdoulaparov crashes in sprint - 1991

What a name, what a sprinter. More bullish than anyone in today's modern peloton, the Uzbekistani rider has been front and centre of a few crashes over the years. 

One of the more spectacular came in 1991, when he clipped a barrier on the last stage of the race on the Champs Elysees. 

Skip to 1min 10sec of the video below to see it. 

Joseba Beloki slides out - 2003

Spain's Joseba Beloki was the only man who could compete with Lance Armstrong in the early 2000s - and even then, he was a distant second. 

His best chance came in 2003, and he gave it a good crack before sliding out on the corner of a descent in the Alps. Beloki fell just in front of Armstrong, who took evasive action by bunny-hopping a ditch and riding across a field. 

MORE: Can Richie Porte win the Tour? | When is Alpe d'Huez?

Beloki was taken in by ambulance off the mountain. He broke his femur, elbow and wrist and was never sighted near the pointy end of a race again.

Lance Armstrong holds it together on Luz Ardiden

Later in the same Tour, Armstrong had another close call. After attacking Iban Mayo and Jan Ulrich on Luz Ardiden, Armstrong's handlebars snagged on a souvenir bag held by a spectator, sending the American and Mayo to the ground. 

Armstrong got back up and won the stage and the Tour. 

Jan Ulrich's time-trial crash

Same Tour again...

Trailing Armstrong by about a minute going into the final time trial, Ulrich took one too many risks and crashed out going round a round-about. 

Fabio Casartelli

The most tragic addition to this list. Italian Fabio Casartelli crashed coming down the Col de Portet d'Aspet in the 1995 Tour. The 24-year-old rider crashed along with several other riders on the 15th stage of that year's Tour. He hit his head on a roadside barrier, and there's footage of him lying on the tarmac with a stream of blood coming from his head. We won't put that footage here. 

Casartelli was airlifted to hospital, but slipped into a coma and died later that same day. 

Casartelli's teammate Lance Armstrong launched a brave solo attack a few days later to win his first ever Tour de France stage. 

