Pat Cummins asks for kindness as he rejects the Baggy Green Halo

9 min read

In the week since Tim Paine resigned as Australian captain, the appointment of Pat Cummins as the 47th holder of the title has been the worst kept secret in cricket.

And, while Cricket Australia went through its formal processes before the official announcement was made, the unofficial deification was already in motion.

Cummins was variously described as a ‘cleanskin’ and a ‘poster boy’, the saviour who would lead the team out of the wreckage that was strewn with public tears and ruined reputation and into the land of restored virtue in the eyes of the cricketing world; all that was missing was the puff of white smoke rising above Jolimont. 

Sound familiar?

Of course, the circumstances of Steve Smith’s sacking post-Sandpapergate were vastly different to those precipitating Paine’s departure but the lionising of the incoming skipper has a familiar ring.

In the wake of the Newlands ball-tampering affair Paine’s appointment was initially a stop-gap before he was given the role long term; only now have we learned that this second anointing came after he was investigated and cleared of breaching CA’s code of conduct over a series of text messages sent to a former Cricket Tasmania colleague. 

The story was irresistible; the clean cut Tasmanian whose injuries had cruelled a promising Test career and who was about to give the game away before circumstances saw him elevated to Australian cricket’s most revered honour.

Paine was a good bloke and a decent player whose gloved hands carried the heavy load of rebuilding the national reputation and reassuring Australian fans that they were supporting the good guys.

The revelations of the past week have exposed him as a man with flaws who was reckless, bearing in mind the integrity investigation found the exchange in question to be consensual, and made some morally dubious decisions before he had the captaincy thrust upon him.

The standing joke about the Australian Test captain having the second most important job in the country hovers above all this; what standards do we, the public and the media, expect the guardian of the Baggy Green Halo to uphold? 

And do we lionise the incumbent, placing him on a pedestal so high that any fall from grace is fatal.

Times and attitudes have changed and things that were once acceptable and commonplace both on and off the field are happily no longer tolerated, from racist or homophobic language to posing for a photo in the dressing room while puffing on a cigar.

And players accept a certain responsibility over their behaviour and image that is tied to marketing contracts and the realisation that their public image matters to adults and children alike.

But there is an uncomfortable sense of deja-vu in some of the exultation of Saint Patrick, which he admitted to feeling in his first press conference as captain.

“I'd say I’m not overly comfortable all the time about that,” Cummins said, when asked about the way he has been portrayed. “And I think that's probably really hit home in the last few days seeing Tim. 

“I think a lot of the pressure and the responsibility of being perfect is unreasonable. 

“I think it's too much ask of anyone and you've got to have permission to grow. 

“We're going to have players come into our side, with teenagers who are just out of school, who are growing up. 

“They've got to be able to fail and know that they’re allowed to grow from that. 

“I think at times that sends a bad message that everyone’s perfect and no one's got any flaws. 

“I'm certainly going to be standing up for players if they make some minor mistakes. 

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“There are opportunities to grow from, not always ideal, but they happen. 

“So yeah, I think we've got to manage expectations of everyone a little bit more. 

“I think we’ve got to be a bit kinder and a bit more understanding of times.”

Cricket Australia was happy enough to allow the saviour narrative to build around Tim Paine while at least some people at the highest level knew of the accusations that lurked in the background throughout his captaincy.

Then, in a confusing press conference that smacked of buck-passing, CA Chair Richard Freudenstein was at pains to distance himself and the current leadership from the previous board’s decision, while emphasising an Australian captain must adhere to an “incredibly, incredibly high standard” of behaviour, apparently including their actions at any time preceding their captaincy. 

It betrayed an astonishing contradiction; an organisation expecting the highest standards of an individual but content to look the other way and not avail themselves of the details of an investigation into those incredibly, incredibly high standards for as long as they remained out of the public eye.

“Faced with the facts as they are today, the board of Cricket Australia today would not have made that decision,” said Freudenstein.

Cricket Australia has since clarified to journalists that Freudenstein was not, as it appeared to anyone listening, saying the previous board got it wrong or that if a Delorian was available, the current board would go back and make a different decision in 2018; instead he meant to convey that in the light of recent player education and changing standards, the same situation would be judged differently in 2021. 

Make of that what you will.

But unless we start breeding future Test captains in test tubes, shielding them from all life lessons, messy mistakes, dodgy relationships and moral pitfalls, rather than accepting they are flawed humans with a past, there is a chance we’ll see more tears in the future.

Perhaps there is some recognition of that in the appointment of Steve Smith as vice-captain; a former golden child, then disgraced cheat and now a wiser man, fully aware that his appointment will displease some but keen to support and defer to his new captain.

How their relationship will unfold on the field will be an intriguing narrative during the Ashes. 

And away from the field Cummins has shown his willingness to advocate for causes in which he strongly believes; he is involved in initiatives that tackle climate change, spoken passionately about racial inequality, and earlier this year he donated $50,000 to India’s COVID-19 relief fund.

He appears to have a moral compass that drives him to action, both within cricket and in wider society.

“I think when it comes to the kind of moral character, I'm probably my harshest critic and judge on that,” Cummins said. 

“I know with the role comes a lot of scrutiny, but for 10 or 11 years I’ve been playing for Australia in the public eye. 

“I won't always get things right, I'm certainly not perfect, there’s going to be things that pop up. 

“But as long as I can sleep at night I'm really comfortable with the responsibility of that.”

Pat Cummins is an outstanding bowler. He is unfailingly polite and a thoughtful and open speaker. He is, as the vernacular goes, a good bloke.

Whether he is a good captain remains to be seen.

But we shouldn’t expect him to be perfect or without flaws, either historic or current.

And perhaps we need to collectively be a little kinder and show the understanding he has asked of us